August 2021 – Daneric's Elliott Waves (2024)

Elliott Wave Update ~ 31 August 2021


I got some good links. What’s in the vaccine? Well Dr. Young also does not believe in the 200+ year old hoax of germ theory of contagion. He just did a major study of the four vaccines using electron microsopes and he found graphene, metals, and…parasites? Remember a few weeks ago I had a hunch why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin worked on a so-called “viral infection”? Yeah no one has been able to properly explain that. But they are anti-parasitic medicines though huh?

Check this out here. Of course if you “google” Dr. Robert O. Young, you’ll get nothing but “hit pieces” for the top search results. He commits damnable heresy against Big Pharma/Big Medicine. His recent interviews are here. Watch them and you’ll be smarter for doing it.

When good scientific techniques and optical microscopes became common and cheap, they switched the contagion game to “invisible” particles now being responsible for “contagious” diseases which needed many vaccines to “prevent”. This was over a 100 years ago. And when the electron microsope became available, they made sure this equipment was expensive, controlled and not available to the common man. And still no one has been able to properly isolate ANY virus EVER. They “think” what they see is a virus, but its dead cell debris. I digress, I have covered this many times over the past 6 months. And they have never proven that “Virus_____” (insert whatever name they come up with) causes sickness.

What gets us sick is when our body suffers cellular damage (toxemia) due to poisons, stress, unhealthy food, unhealthy breathing air, and…radiation sickness. Does you medical doctor consider any of this? NO! HE IS NOT ALLOWED, nor are they taught or be allowed to learn!

This next link is excellent and you need to bookmark it. This is the first time I have stumbled across it – that shows you how well they bury these anti-covid websites! I look for this stuff and even I cannot find them. But here it is. He nails it in a very long post about the vaccines and Covid here. Be sure to read what the Pfizer whistleblower says. It backs up what Doctor young has found.

For if you go to the hospital suffering any kind of sickness and they test you “positive” Covaids -19, your chance of survival is iffy. For the medical protocols put in place are designed to deny you drugs that may help (ivermectin, HCQ) and give you very toxic drugs that may worsen the condition (Fauci’s Remdesivir, etc.). And then force you onto a ventilator which we all know is the kiss of death. Hell, I’ll just stick to Apple-flavor ivermectin horse paste thank you!

Mike Adams wrote a very good article that I wanted to write so I’ll just link him here on what is going on inside the Covaids kill zone of your local isolated hospital ward run by nurse Ratchet here.

I ran across this story just before I was to hit publish. One of at least 20 examples I have read about in the last month of treatment denied by the hospitals. When will you figure out that all the good of this world has left it?

So Dan what is causing all this sickness? I’ll give you the short answers. Firstly, the PCR test is a SCAM and the entire key to the plandemic. If you are ignorant to this fact at this stage, I have little hope for you. Even soccer moms know this. The test means nothing. Watch coviads – 19 in 19 minutes here for a quick refresher.

1.) The have been poisoning us for decades. Our meat supply is not natural and pumped with “vaccines” (chicken, pigs, cattle) and other things on the mega-death animal farms and you can bet the vaccines they give animals has the same “adjuvant” (poison) graphene as what is in the covaids jab. Thus we accumulate toxins from our own food supply and eventually the body tries to deal with it. You do know that they spread human sh*t from wastewater treatment plants on crops in the field don’t you? Always finding a way to make a $$$ on what used to be “junk”. How do you think the fluoridated water scam came into existence? (Hint: they had tons of extra fluoride from other manufacturing processes and found a money-making way to make use of it!) And we drink that poison still to this very day.

2.) The world is the most unhealthiest it has ever been. Sugar by the billions of pounds. Do you know your body considers pure sugar or especially HFCS a poison also? Oh yeah and alcohol is a poison. Yeah we are to blame. We get no sun because they taught us “sun = bad”. We have low vitamin D which is one of the most important vitamins we need to remain healthy. And we put sunscreen on which blocks vitamin D production. Ironic? or evil? You decide.

3.) The medical system kills us and we demand it. I can literally speak to 20 middle age men at my work ages 45 on up and I can bet you I’ll find at least 12 that take at least two pills permanently (usually high blood pressure, statins) Another 6 take 1 pill and maybe only 2 of 20 don’t take anything. Some take 3 or more. Pills don’t “cure” they “mask” the underlying symptoms. High blood pressure and lipid readings are biomarkers like the speedometer on your car. You don’t “fix” your speedometer by putting a metal object that keeps the needle from moving above “X” amount of speed if it is going to fast do you? NO! You go under the hood and fix the broken carburetor, clean out the gas tank, etc. yet people are stupid. We deserve the Tribulation and the Wrath of God just for being stupid.

4.) Radiation sickness. 4G and 5G is making us sick. The sheer amount of cell towers are blanketing us so much that no one can escape it. And many are electrically sensitive. Heck your own house has a water and electric meter that emit constantly RF radiation and we just don’t care, and the power company does whatever they want just like all the other corrupted corporations. Of course we all have bought so many wi-fi objects and “smart” appliances that we have soaked our own bodies in RF radiation without even a thought. We are electrical beings. Read this excellent book, the The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life and learn something! And now Elon Musk is putting up thousands of satellites in low earth orbit all emitting microwave frequencies of 5G+.

In my opinion, although I will go on listing things that make us sick, radiation sickness (combined with graphene poisoning) is responsible for the truly unexplainable sicknesses that don’t fit into other “normal” categories. I have a friend diagnosed with covaids (of course) and he has an enormous constant headache, yet the lungs are clear. So what you see is that they are lumping anything and everything into covid. Hey I thought covid virus was a virus of the lungs?

The media psychological campaign is relentless because people are stupid and don’t critically think. All it is is covid, vaccine, covid death here, unvaccinated death here. They are coming up with more and more bizarre stories on your typical MSN newsfeed and they get blasted outwards in unison nationwide. In “normal ” times would you be getting bombarded that someone died of something in some small town on the other side of the country? No, of course not but now we are. You want to know why the hospitals are being reported as full? Because they use the ICU beds on purpose for covid patients even if not needed. And all the nurses are quitting and doctors are quitting. The hospital CEO’s are creating death on purpose by mandating non-effective treatment protocols. The have become death camps.

Looks like covid to me:

5.) Graphene oxide is a multiplier of the microwave frequencies that we are being bombarded with. A 5 Gigahertz frequency that is amplified into a harmful ionizing frequency. Build up enough of this stuff in the brain and eventually you will get an ungodly headache and develop other symptoms. You go to the hospital, they “test” you for covid, and next thing you know they want to shove a vent down your throat.

6.) Geoengineering. What started many decades ago, even in WWII, as a means to control the weather has continued in one form or another to this day. Yes chemtrails are real. They spray strontium, barium and aluminum for now decades. Under the guise of “global warming.” But guess what they are most assuredly spraying now? Yes good old graphene oxide nanoparticles. You can take that bet to the bank. And if you have a cloud of graphene oxide nanoparticles in the atmosphere and Elon’s satellites are beaming 5G through them, hey, it can only be good huh?

7. God! (yes God will bring illness for many reasons)

I could go on and on but I touched on the major topics I wanted to talk about. All these “perfect storm” items have come together to allow the corporate global elite Satan-worshipping cabal to finally make their move to control and/or kill humanity as they have always said they wanted. As single human minds, we cannot fathom all the “TRUTH” and thus we deny it all and we are trapped mentally. Yet for some reason, God has pointed me to much truth over the last 18 months.

You are truly living in the Matrix. That movie series was no accident. Do you know how the series ended, yes? It wasn’t that they defeated the “bad guys”, Neo was sacrificed for the good of humanity. The evil cabal that runs this world is preparing it for the next human prophet to unite mankind and Israel will think they finally rule the earth as was promised. Yet the Jews do not plan on keeping the Messiah around for if you study Judaism, they believe their Messiah will die a normal death. Hence when the their Messiah – the Antichrist – does die and then is raised again after 3 days, woe be to the Jews in Israel and Jerusalem! The Antichrist will surround Jerusalem and make it desolate. This is the abominations of desolations. It is not just the trashing of the Satanic synagogue temple that gets rebuilt, it is a slaughtering to the Jews who resist the Antichrist.

The Jews are not aware of New Testament teachings. Neither are Muslims. Most are unaware of anything I have been blogging about because no one tells them they are going to hell if they keep it up, and they don’t even read the Torah let alone the New Testament. Instead most people support the Jews and tell them they are the chosen ones! Yes, they are chosen for destruction if they have not Jesus the true Messiah. God allowed Satan to gather them back to Israel in 1948 not to be blessed but to be bundled as tares and thrown in the fire. They have been cursed for 2000 years. Their only hope is salvation to Jesus, better to do that now! I speak these things not in hate but in love! Hear what is going to happen and maybe, just maybe, if you claim to be a Jew (or Muslim, Atheist, Hindu, etc. for that matter), pick up a New Testament and read John 3:16 aloud and pray and call out to Jesus!

Watch this interesting sermon by Pastor Anderson on what will likely go down concerning the Jews ushering the Messiah (Antichrist) and then him turning on them when the moment is ripe known as the abomination of desolations.

Approximately 75 days after the abomination of desolations, the Rapture occurs. Jesus will come in all power and glory, the sun and moon and stars will be darkened and a lightning shall encompass the whole earth. Day shall be light, night shall be light. After the sealing of the 144,000, Jesus pours out his 3 1/2 years of wrath upon the earth. Most think that the 144,000 will be scattered over the earth “preaching and saving souls” but Revelation does not actually say that anyone will be “saved” to the Jesus during the wrath of God period and that the 144,000 will be soul-winning. I assume so though.

Zechariah 14:

1 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

Still holding above the wedge. A potential dark month of September is upon us.

We have clearly gone parabolic. Do we have another 10 -15%, 2 – 3 months left of sheer steepness as was Japan in 1989?

Elliott Wave Update ~ 30 August 2021 and Vaccine Foreshadow of Bible Prophecy?


I meant to post this story on the “contaminated” (it’s not a bug, it’s a feature) Moderna vaccine supposedly found in Japan. Japan Suspects Contaminant In Moderna Vaccines Is Metallic, ‘Reacts To Magnets’ | ZeroHedge. The mainstream media quickly buried the story by omitting the “reaction to magnets”, or even that it looked like metallic material and just called it “contaminants”. Whatever. We all know it’s graphene oxide and it is likely only in certain lots or even certain vials. The entire thing has been an abominable experiment on humanity. They need to figure out the dosages to not outright kill people. And they have killed a LOT.

Yet the pressure to keep jabbing hasn’t abated. I had expected more corporate mandates but that probably won’t happen until after Labor Day. They approved the Pfizer and figured “X” amount of undecided people would rush out and get jabs. Maybe they expect a higher number and are just waiting. Yet, I do expect more corporate mandates either being announced this weekend, or after Labor Day. Summer vacations are coming to an end and I expect the hammer to come down next week.

Surreal video out of Afghanistan. This video obviously is enraging many and offending many and yet it would not surprise me if our CIA supplied the Afghani pilot! There are dark forces moving in this world and we must all get right with Jesus, because there is nothing happening in this world that leads me to believe that we will not be entering the last 7 years soon with Jesus defeating Satan, the Antichrist, and False Prophet and establishing his Kingdom in late September 2028.

Could I be a few years early? Of course, we might be 10 years early! It could be all this is still part of the buildup phase. I do however think once the stock market final high comes in – due any month now we hope! – and this massive bubble finally pops, the world’s most serious financial collapse will spark major unrest that leads to wars and rumours of wars, famine and death, as is foretold in the Book of Revelation.

The Tribulation period will see 1/4 of the earth’s population dying, at least that is how many interpret the passage about the 4th horse of Death and Hell. It seems believable because Jesus warned it would be the greatest Tribulation of mankind ever seen or ever will be seen so it seems 25% of the total population dying within 3 1/2 years seems to qualify. And this is prior to God’s wrath! Can wars and famines cause this much death? If we divide 7.6 billion, that means 1.9 billion dead in the first 3 1/2 years with another 3 1/2 years of God’s wrath to finish it out.

Would nuclear weapons be involved? Unsure, but if so, that would help explain a lot of mass death. However mass nuclear fallout would seem to go against the “normality of life” that Jesus alluded to in Matthew 24 on the very day of the rapture. Mass nuclear fallout – in the first 3 1/2 years when the Saints (the believers of Jesus, the saved) are still on the earth – would likely make it very difficult to accomplish all the things that need to go on thereafter. Communications would be knocked out how would we all see that the Antichrist declares himself or the 2 witnesses? My guess is I don’t think we’ll have mass nuclear warfare until late in the Wrath of God period. Babylon is destroyed late in the 7 year period, over 3 years after the Rapture has occurred. What else would be responsible for that much death in the Tribulation period prior to the wrath of God period? Since I am a non-believer in Germ theory of contagion, I do not think it will be a “virus” as many have suspected. Here is again what Death and Hell 4th horse verse says in Revelation 6:

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Mass death via the clot shot would fit under the above category of “and with death”. A generic, “you’re going to die” statement.

So I don’t think we will have “WWIII” as depicted with launching complete nuclear arsenals as we have always feared resulting in mass nuclear fallout. It could be limited nuclear strikes though, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised. We will have WWIII though in some form or fashion. However, I would think mass launching of nuclear weapons is reserved for Babylon (USA) right before the Battle of Armageddon. But again, a nuke going off here and there in the first half of Daniel’s 70th week may likely happen, I just don’t think it’ll be a complete nuclear exchange between many nations or even 2.

So what could cause mass death of 1.9 billion people if not by nuclear weapons? Is it any coincidence we are still injecting an experimental and highly suspect “vaccine” to the tune of 5.25 billion doses to now (supposedly) 39.3% of the entire world’s population and we have no idea if it will kill many after 2-3 years or not. No one knows!

Am I predicting this? Not necessarily, but we just don’t know! Many, many, very respectable scientists ARE predicting mass death due to the jab in the coming few years, just hang out on Bitchute for a day and you can find countless of interviews. I have linked to many over the months but I am past that stage because we just don’t know yet. However, I suspect it may have a part to play.

If you know anything about bible prophecy, things that are prophesized usually almost always have a dual fulfillment purpose, in fact they all do. The first prophesized event happens and the other is “foreshadowed”. Something that happens in the near future of when the prophecy was spoken, and then happens again at the end of days. Foreshadowing is a cornerstone theme of bible prophecy. So I ask this question:

Is the “vaccine” a real-life foreshadowing of the mark of the beast? I most definitely think so! Are the horrible “vaccine” deaths happening now a foreshadow of mass “vaccine” deaths of those “vaccinated” a few years from now? Well, it sure wouldn’t surprise me. Now I have not been one of those that have insisted that everyone that gets a shot will surely die from it within a few years. We just don’t know how many placebo’s have been given out. Nor what dosages of whatever the hell is in them. I also have always believed the human body has a robust way of cleaning out toxic substances such as what is in these vaccines. Yet we just don’t know how the body will hold up 2-3 years from now.

What I DO suspect, is that if we keep injecting this stuff, it WILL kill way more people than if everybody just stops getting jabbed right now. And the chief antichrist religion of the Israels – Judaism -have demanded their citizens do just that this month of September. Their vaccine passports will run out unless they get jab #3. So yes, billions more shots to come – worldwide – at this rate!

Let’s just list the similarities of the vaccine and compare it to the mark of the beast as mentioned in Revelation 13:

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The mark requires both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to take the mark. The vaccine is demanded of the same.

The vaccine is injected into your arm. The mark is also injected in the body. Most people think it is a tattoo or something. No! it is a microchip that can hold your information placed under your skin. Read the King James! It is IN THE HAND, or IN THE FOREHEAD (in case you don’t have a right hand). We already do this with pets and people have had it done to themselves. I suspect all of the leaders that run this evil world already had it done to themselves!

No man may buy or sell unless they take the mark. Although we have not reached that point with the vaccine, if you are a reader of this blog, do I really need to link to the horror stories going on all over the world? Obviously again, the vaccine is a foreshadow of the real thing to come later. Yet we can see that the prevention of buying and selling has indeed already happened if you didn’t take the vaccine and thus do not have a passport.

There are many theories on what the name of the beast and number of his name means, but since you are demanded to worship the beast, it could be a temporary “mark of the beast passport” system. In other words, it’ll take a while to inject a microchip “mark” into all the people of the world who bends the knee to the Antichrist. So the “name” or the “number” could be a temporary/permanent tattoo in lieu of the mark for those shops and venues that do not have an electronic system setup or those who just haven’t been able to get the mark yet due to supply or logistical problems. This also is what happened in the early vaccination program. Shots were limited yet people virtue-signaled fealty that they couldn’t wait for their shot to “return to normal”. In any case, your damned to hell if you do any of the three, the mark, the name or the number.

Thus on the vaccine side of the analogy the paper card “vaccine passport” is a temporary thing for many. For instance the paper cards work for proof of vaccination. But we all know they want to eliminate this option and move to a foolproof digital system. These are already in existence such as Israel, Europe, New York, etc. All run by the Jewish cabal of course!

Is it any wonder that Israel is the LEADER in the covid vaccination effort in almost every case? They have very high vaccination rates, forced vaccinations or loss of job and freedom, mandatory boosters. It seems to me that this situation is also a FORESHADOW of who is ushering the Antichrist. And is it a coincidence that Pfizer’s CEO is a Satanic-worshipping reprobate, Jesus-hating Jew that has made special compacts with the Israeli government? Are you all getting yet what is going on?

The number of the beast is the number of a man. This passage let’s us know the Antichrist is a man. Who that man may be we will not know but those with wisdom will figure it once the Antichrist is on the worldwide scene. It seems to me it is NO COINCIDENCE that the vaccine is a foreshadow of the eventual mark of the beast. Luciferian Satanists, I believe, have a requirement to tell us outright at some point what they plan on doing to us. They always do as I have shown many times. Yet this time their evil plans are right under everyone’s noses.

And incidentally, the vaccine did not let anything in this world “return to normal” did it? AND IT NEVER WILL, IT WAS ALL A BIG FAT LIE and Lucifer and the evil world leaders are laughing. Most everyone was tricked, hey that’s what the devil does folks! The entire plandemic has been planned for decades. They have been trying to get a plandemic since the 1970’s swine flu fiasco but the technology was just not in place. Psychological conditions were just not in place yet. And they hadn’t yet captured all the governments of the world, university’s, science institutions, mass media, and EVERY institution IN EVERY nation and ALL corporations of the world. Well, that part is complete. And thus the plandemic was launched.

My final comparison is also a potential foreshadow and we might be able to use it to SAVE some people to the cause of Christ. The foreshadow is this: Anyone who demands religious fealty to the vaccine now is likely currently NOT saved to Jesus and will likely succumb to the mark of the beast and be fooled by the Antichrist and thus be damned eternally. Those that took the vaccine as a “good citizen” are mostly just ignorant and certainly many are already saved. The unsaved can be saved. Spread this link far and wide if you think it has any merits. Maybe someone just reading these words will step back and wonder what the hell is going on in this world. I can tell you this, the vaccines are evil, unholy, filthy, and not righteous in any way, shape, or form! Trust in Jesus! Not some dirty injection of who knows what!

God is showing us all this if we are wise. For here is how salvation to Jesus works. Watch that 10 minute video if you are not sure you are saved. This is a real-life savi, it doesn’t take long.

And know this, once saved you CANNOT LOSE your salvation for Jesus promised this. So this fact alone tells me there will be no saved that can take the mark of the beast. Which is why I URGE you to save yourself by calling on the name of Jesus Christ and once saved, you will be spiritually prevented from taking the evil mark. You don’t have to even give up committing sins it is not a requirement, although once we get closer you might change your mind. ALL IT TAKES IS FAITH IN JESUS! WE ARE ALL SINNERS, WE DESERVE HELL, YET JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS, WAS RAISED AGAIN FROM THE DEAD AFTER 3 DAYS! Bamn! That is our ticket out of here when the time comes! Easy!

Many will run and hide, but I am not. I’ll blog until I can blog no more.


If this is a wedge “overthrow” spike, the spike sure is robustly formed and should reverse. Today was a negative breadth and negative advancers day on the NYSE. Running out of steam?

We could tolerate a modest higher high on the DJIA which is lagging. That would complete its own ending diagonal triangle and it has a more classic form than the Wilshire. Underthrow or even truncation as it is now on the DJIA may be deadly for the market.

Elliott Wave Update ~ 27 August 2021 – Who is Ushering in the Antichrist?


The next biblical event is the War in Heaven described in Revelation. I talk about this in my recent post here about the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.

People think that the modern nation of Israel is proof that God has “brought his chosen people back and fulfilled prophecy”. That is a lie. Those that do not have the Son, have not the Father. The “Star of David” is not of David it is of Remphant, of Moloch. It is modern Jesus-rejecting Jews, through the #1 Antichrist religion of Judaism, who are preparing the way for the Antichrist! At some point the number #2 Antichrist religion of Islam will join forces with the Jews. This will happen when the Antichrist is able to speak great things and seemingly solve the coming world anarchy and war and pestilences. Both will work to rebuild the Temple and it will not be a place of God just as it is not now. For as I said, those religions don’t have the Father if not the Son. The bible is very clear on that. Jesus told us countless times and twice in Revelation, that those who call themselves Jews are not Jews but of the Synagogue of Satan. We, the saved, are the Jews!

Modern Israel was sprung forth through the work of Satan through the controlling Jewish banksters who bought off the politicians. It was born of an act of the evil United Nations. The fact that Satan is using Christianity to fulfill his plans is no accident. For he is the great deceiver and many of today’s Pastors are only taught through a narrow lens that the Jews of modern Israel are God’s special people. That false doctrine warps their entire view on many biblical teachings most importantly the Revelation of Christ and the unfolding of end times events.

I will point to 2 sermons by Pastor Anderson that absolutely destroys the genealogy myth and exposes all the lies that the Jews tell.

The Jews and their lies. Part 1 of 2. Pastor Steven Anderson and Roger Jimenez – YouTube

The Jews and their lies. Part 2 of 2. Pastor Steven Anderson – YouTube

The second sermon destroys the genealogy myth and he does math and the bible to prove it.

This matching film explores things in great detail. MARCHING TO ZION (Full Film) – YouTube

Pastor Anderson makes a great point that we should not hate those others of a false religion. I do not hate Jews! But if we love them we must save them to Christ not tell them they are special ! But it is hard as we all know because most modern Jews are very offended by Jesus Christ. Islam is just as hard because the penalty of apostasy is death. But we must try!

The vast majority of today’s Jews are just average people trying to live a good life. You can compare this to your average Christians or average Muslim. Many do not “practice” the religion or even attend services. Or if they do, they don’t make it a big deal. Yet Satan is using Judaism and Christian’s sympathy (which is a modern teaching) for it to prepare the world to accept the real Antichrist. At some point the religion of Islam will join up and help rebuild the Temple. The ultimate goal of Satan and the Antichrist is of course to unite the entire world in a one world religion, one world government, and demand all on earth worship him or be put to death. His goal is to ensnare us all if he can.

It is modern Judaism that is paving the way, preparing for the coming of the Antichrist. Unfortunately and unwittingly many average Jews and Christians don’t have a clue about what really is going to happen in the end times because Satan made sure they were not taught. Satan made sure most modern Christians are taught the Jews of modern Israel are God’s special people. It is all a lie of course. Most Pastor’s preach that Revelation is for the (modern) Jews and that we are Raptured out of here before anything bad happens. That too is false doctrine.

Satan made sure he infiltrated all those bible universities that train Pastors to make sure they preach the double deadly lies of 1) The modern Jews of the nation of Israel are special and God brought them back to Israel 2) We are raptured out of here before the Antichrist comes. This is just stupid to be honest and doesn’t even make any common sense. If anything it is the perfect trap set by Satan himself!

Who is the Antichrist fooling if millions of Believers are whisked out of here before anything bad happens to anybody? Why would Jesus-hating Jews be under God’s blessing and thus modern Israel is a blessing? It is both false lies spawned of Satan! This is how he has prepared the coming spiritual battlefield! He is the master of Lies! Satan has been using the unwitting Pastors of churches and Rabbis of Judaism to prepare his coming spiritual war (and eventual flesh-killing war) against the believers in Christ! Is this not obvious? And as a result the entire flock of Christians, and average Jews who can be saved, are wholly unprepared to face the coming 3 1/2 years (or whenever it comes) of tribulation of the Saints. Because Satan made sure to spread those 2 false lies far and wide!

I highly recommend you watch the After the Tribulation – Full Movie – Bible Prophecy Film – YouTube

And if you haven’t checked out Pastor Anderson’s 22 hour sermon series on Revelation, it is also available all over You Tube.

Or Babylon USA Official Film Documentary Pastor Steven Anderson Paul Wittenberger – YouTube

The Muslims are waiting for the next great prophet. They too have been prepped to believe that the Antichrist will be that person. The Hindus and Buddhists are also prepared through their false religions to be ready to accept the Antichrist as someone special. Satan has been preparing the battlefield for many centuries and it is all starting to come to a head. Does not anyone see that the current global “vaccination” campaign is a major real-life foreshadowing of the mark of the beast? Satan is preparing all the nations of the earth into injecting into the right hand (or the forehead if you don’t have a right hand) some form of microchip at a future date.

Sound far fetched? No because God has told us in the bible that he will cast a great delusion on the unsaved so they can believe the lies. Heck, they already believe all the lies!

And I have to tell you, I wonder about Catholics as they are led by a lefty Jesuit pope who not only approves of the clot shot, but urges members take it for the good of humanity. The fact of the matter is that many Catholics are not saved. They may think they are, but they aren’t. Catholic means “universal” by the way. How many Catholics will take the mark of the beast as a result? Lots! They have been prepped by Satan.

So the conditions for the end times events are perfectly being aligned, all prepped by the master of lies the Devil. The world’s major false religions of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and any other “isms” and even a large tract of Christianity that call themselves Christians but are not actually saved and will be ready to accept the Antichrist. For the saved CANNOT take the mark of the beast! Don’t worry it will not be possible! But it will be possible you will be beheaded or even drawn and quartered or burnt at the stake. So we must be ready spiritually! This generation of Christians deserves it! We have many saved Christians unwittily doing Satan’s bidding in the spreading of lies that have helped pave the way for the Antichrist they will have to face! Personally I think these Pastors will all get sought out – hey they are Pastors so the devil knows where they live – and be killed for the cause of Christ and not make it to the very rapture that they all insisted would happen first. But I do not wish that! It is just something to ponder on!

So who are the leaders who are doing the secret behind the scenes prep work for the Antichrist? I highly recommend you visit Brian Shilhavy’s many blogs including Created for Health. He has many excellent articles on these subjects and more. The only nitpick I have is that he is not using a King James Bible but one of the many corrupted versions that Satan of course was responsible for that. You won’t find the name of Lucifer in any of the corrupted versions but it is in the King James! So you can see how Satan has been working throughout for decades to infiltrate and setup lies. And to make sure the world is spiritually weakened and full of wickedness.

And if you have 5 hours, please watch this Insider’s Freemason testimony also on his website.

In conclusion, if the War in Heaven happens this next month in September – I am looking at 20th – 22nd specifically or October – we should be watching for more possible signs. One such sign is total financial system collapse and panic which of course was the primary purpose of this blog when I created it over a decade ago. The financial system of fractional reserve lending is of course a worldwide lie also ingrained into people. And it is about to have the rug pulled out from under it.

When the Antichrist comes down to earth and makes covenant with the secret cabal who are steering world events mark the beginning of the collapse? Will that be the day the curtain is drawn for the final act of Daniel’s 70th week?


Better late than never.

Are we in overthrow territory of the wedge?

However the DJIA is missing a new high to complete its own ending diagonal wedge.

Elliott Wave Update ~ 26 August 2021

Elliott Wave Update ~ 25 August 2021


Well, we blew past the Fibonacci 24 sequence # 46,368 and finished higher than that. We are in “overthrow” territory of the wedge pattern of wave 5 of (5) of [5]

From the largest chart to the smallest:

We’ve gone vertical. The market cannot afford a break of the uptrend line. This is the way Ponzi schemes work. You are looking at it in real time. The acceleration of prices at a steep angle. This is the final stage and it is why prices cannot be allowed to drop at this point. A break of the uptrend would cause the computer algorithms to also break. And the owners of the computers would simply unplug them if there was too much loss of money. That’s what is likely to happen. No one wants to be blamed for a “flash crash”. That precedent has already been set.

We can see all the waves. It is a good, mature count.

The daily shows the ending diagonal wedge and the “overthrow” that may be occurring of the upper wedgeline.

Non-log scale. Note how each wave five just keeps extending both in time and price.

And the 2 squiggle options:

Elliott Wave Update ~ 23 August 2021


The Pfizer clot shot was “officially approved” today by the corrupt FDA. This is exactly on schedule as I predicted it would be approved about 2 weeks prior to Labor Day. And so it has. Now the push for the corporate whor*s to fall in line and push the kill shot is coming. It has already happened with the Pentagon today announcing they will make all servicemembers take the kill shot. And NY City school administrators and teachers. So the push has begun on Day 1. Presidential announcement and all. He exhorts that corporations take action to make it mandatory and I suspect they will fall in line, damn the consequences. This is the beginning of the end. Wayne gets it.

Vaccine passport “bouncers” at a French Supermarket. It has begun.

And yes, the stock market again made a new high in the Wilshire yet it finished a mere Fibonacci 13 points above Fibonacci sequence #24 (46,368) at 46,381. So we now have 4 all-time closes hovering near that number (46,366, 46,378, 46,360, 46,381). Is that meaningful? I still think so yes. Today’s closing was within 99.97%.

Yet, the wave pattern does not seem complete. Again a nice “up” day, but internals was nothing to write home about considering we are again at all-time highs. Yet we are probably missing a few squiggles.

Eventually, as more and more mandates come out this week, the market will figure out that it is long-term crippling. It is national economic suicide. Yet that is exactly what the godless lefties want! War on their own country, on their own citizens who do not bend the knee to Lucifer. If you haven’t figured that out yet, just look at the mess of Afghanistan. It is exactly how they wanted it.

It is the late dog days of August, summer 2021. The last spurts to a top have been unleashed. The Antichrist, Satan and the False Prophet are due to come down to earth in either late September, or late October. The Luciferian globalists and satanic Antichrist religions who rule the world and call the shots are already preparing for the coming of the Antichrist and Satan. Soon.

RSI on the weekly.

I’ve been studying bible prophecy a lot lately and have been further pondering the famous Four Horses in Revelation Chapter 6. I have stated before that I believe these are Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet, all fallen angels that are kicked out of Heaven after being defeated in war by the Archangel Michael. This would be the next event on God’s prophetic timeline. Late September or October, 2021 is the key time that I am looking at for the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week.


The Book of Revelation only makes sense when you divide it into two chronological halves. Chapters 1 – 11 are in chronological order and chapters 12 – 22 start over and are in chronological order. The second half chapters 12 through 16 repeat what is in the first half chapters 6 through 11, just from a different viewpoint with differing details. In fact I’ll narrow that down further by saying this: The 7 seals (Tribulation), The Rapture, and the 7 Judgements of God (God’s wrath) are told in each half of the book of Revelation. The first half shows the actual 7 seals unfolding. The 7 seals unfold in the second half of the book, it is just not mentioned, it is inferred.

The 7 trumpets of God’s wrath in Revelation is mentioned in the first half of Revelation and the 7 vials are mentioned in the second half. In essence, they are the same Judgements if you think of it like this: 1st Trumpet blows (God’s war announcement) and then 1st vial of wrath is poured out. 2nd Trumpet, 2nd vial and so on. The trumpets and vials very nearly match up in descriptions in each half of the book.

Just like we have four Gospels each from a different viewpoint, we have two viewpoints in Revelation. God did not make it easy or else bible prophecy wouldn’t be any fun. Revelation is full of symbolism but if we look at other parts of the bible and match scriptures we can figure things out well enough. The second most important end times prophecy book is the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Incidentally, the Book of Daniel is also divided in half just like Revelation and it is easier to see in Daniel because each chapter he is telling us what year and what ruler it is. So Daniel is divided 1 – 6 in chronological order and 7 – 12. These two, also overlap in some things. It is God’s clue that he made Daniel in 2 halves so we would see that in Revelation also!

So the overlap goes something like this:

Incidentally this is from Pastor Anderson’s 22 part Revelation sermon series which I highly recommend! You can also find these on You Tube.

The Four Horses of the Apocalypse

So Chapter 6 is where the seals are unfolded and as stated, the seals are not God’s wrath. Instead it is the time of tribulation for the saved (and all the world). Only after the Rapture does God pour out his wrath on those left on earth, the unsaved with his Trumpet and Vial judgments.

Again, since the seals (tribulation period where the Antichrist takes over the world and goes after Christians) are “repeated” in chapters 12 – 13 of Revelation, we should expect the same order of events in each half of Revelation. You won’t actually find any description of the unsealing of the seals in the second half but it is inferred because the same events happen. The seals are described in the first half of Revelation and inferred in the second half.

Therefore understanding Chapters 12 and 13 is the key to the identity of the four Horses of the Apocalypse of Chapter 6. My point being that the order of events of chapters 12 and 13 should match Chapter 6. Chapters 12 and 13 introduces the three main evil characters in the following order:

  1. Satan (chapter 12)
  2. Antichrist (Chapter 13) followed by the
  3. False Prophet (Chapter 13)

Since these three are in specific order and kickoff the second half of Revelation, we should expect to see the same order in the first half of Revelation. Understand? Therefore, my theory is this: The order of the horses should match.

One final important point: Chapter 12 also describes that Satan and the 1/3 of the fallen angels were defeated in Heaven by the archangel Michael and were kicked down to earth. This is what kicks off the Tribulation/wrath of God 7 year period. I therefore propose that the horses in Chapter 6 is just that: Satan and his demons coming to earth from Heaven on horses. And they were just in a battle with Michael so they would have been on battle horses running away to earth yes? So chapter 6 is actually the defeated armies of Satan riding down to earth after being kicked out of Heaven which is described in the matching chapter 12.

The “beasts” in Revelation 6 are God’s creatures, Seraphims (a form of higher angel) introduced in Chapters 4 and 5 just so you are not confused. The first seal “kicks off” the 7 year Tribulation/wrath of God period. The first half (about 3 1/2 years) is the Tribulation where mankind kills mankind led by the Satan.

Revelation 6:

1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The white horse is therefore Satan to keep the same order as in Chapter 12. Most people (including me) had this horse as the Antichrist because Jesus comes to the Battle of Armageddon on a white horse and the Antichrist is an imitation. But Lucifer is often referred to his followers as (falsely) the “Lord of Light”. or “Light bringer” and Satan is the great deceiver. He is in the first position of evil power. Satan is the driving force of it all. He is the one who wishes to wipeout mankind and conquer the earth. It is he who gives power to the Antichrist. So it is Satan conquering the world placing and giving power to his puppet, the Antichrist, to do his bidding.

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

The red horse is the Antichrist, being a fallen angel, he is therefore a demon who can possess a willing human. Here is the clue: “power was given to him”. All throughout scripture when talking about the Antichrist it is written he was given his power by Satan. You can read this in Chapter 13. It also is mentioned in other places in the bible such as 2 Thessalonians 2 (a great description of the Antichrist)

One other point: The Antichrist is probably a real human, a man and is evil. He likely gets possessed by the red horse rider (in a secret blood ritual) and is able to speak great things and fool many. At some point, after 3+ years of world consolidation of power, he dies and goes to hell and is “resurrected” from the pit of hell. Except we know that Satan does not have the power to resurrect a human soul therefore the “resurrected” Antichrist is the demonic red rider being. A fake, not human but an “undead”.

2 Thessalonians 2 clues us in on this with the cryptic passage:

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Verse 7 is the cryptic verse. “Letteth” means to hinder in this case. “until he be taken out of the way” seems to be saying that once the human person that is the Antichrist possessed dies and goes to hell, the demonic red rider Antichrist will be “resurrected” back into the flesh body and will be “revealed” in verse 8. In other words, the human dies and is in hell and he ain’t coming back because Satan does not have that power. But Satan can apparently insert his demonic top dog sidekick into the former human’s body and all the world will wonder and worship.

Incidentally I think this is why the false prophet has to set up a graven image of the beast that can move and talk. The resurrected flesh of the human Antichrist will probably be a bit rotten….so they need a stageshow of lies to pull it all off. Remember, the human that dies was possessed by the Antichrist demon the whole time anyway. After the human dies, the body is taken over solely by the demonic red rider Antichrist. I hope you can follow that line of thinking, its just a side theory of mine.

So this is when the Antichrist is “revealed” as he sits in the rebuilt Temple and demands he be worshipped as a God. This is the beginning of a terrible time for Christians, particularly those in the near middle east as Christ himself warned of in Matthew 24. This is the mark of the beast implementation for buying and selling. This period of time lasts about 75 days. Jesus comes back with Power and Glory, raptures us, and then the wrath of God starts the very same day.

Just like when Noah went in the ark and closed the door, it started to rain that day. Just like when Lot was dragged out of Sodom by an angel, God destroyed the city the same day as Lot and his family were running away. So will it be as the Second Coming of Christ in the clouds at our Rapture! It will be a great day for the saved but a terrible day for the unsaved. In fact, it’ll last more than 1 day of wrath more like 3 1/3 years of wrath including 5 months of stinging scorpions!

Back to Revelation and the horses:

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Following our pattern of order, the third horse is the False Prophet. The False prophet will no doubt be running the show behind the scenes. Setting prices, creating famines, and making sure the Temple is rebuilt. It is the False Prophet who sets up the graven image of the Antichrist (abominations of desolations) in the Temple and demands all worship it. He can produce great wonders also. You can think of the False Prophet as the Antichrist’s Chief of Staff. Is the False Prophet human? I am not sure, maybe he was at some point. After the Battle of Armageddon, both he and the Antichrist are tossed directly into the Lake of Fire skipping judgement in God’s throne room which clues us in that they do not have a human soul to judge at this stage.

Incidentally, another clue that the 3rd horse is the False Prophet we can get from the specific items in verse 6: wheat, barley, oil and wine. We only find one other bible verse that has these exact items. It is in 2 2 Chronicles 2:10 and that is where King Solomon decides to build the first Temple!

9 Even to prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I am about to build shall be wonderful great.

10 And, behold, I will give to thy servants, the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil.

So as you can see, it is no coincidence that the only other passage of these exact items are concerning the building of the First Temple. The False Prophet will be very involved with the building of the Third Temple. And he won’t be generous like king Solomon was, the False Prophet will be cheap and will engineer famines. He is likely Jewish. After all, Judaism is the #1 Antichrist religion in the world paving the way for the end times. Once the wholesale slaughter of Christians begins, those anywhere in modern Israel or the surrounding lands will need to run and run fast as Jesus foretold. These Christians will be in the most danger. Of course, we’ll be rounded up into FEMA camps and demands made to take the “vaccine”…oops…I meant the mark of the beast! (see where this is all headed folks?)

And before you say I am anti-Jewish, I am anti-Judaism. We need to love Jews and save them and turn them to Christ! I don’t go around hating Jews, I have Jewish acquaintances, but to be honest the religion is a false Antichrist religion.

Back to Revelation:

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

The fourth horse is Death and Hell (think of Hell riding on the back behind Death), two riders on one horse. At the end of Revelation after God’s white throne judgment of all, Death and Hell are tossed into the Lake of Fire. There will be no more use for them.

Revelation 20:

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

I like to think of “Death” as the Grim Reaper. You know, think sickle and black hooded robe. Like the Ringwraiths in Lord of the Rings. Of course “Hell” is the Grim Reaper’s companion because the Grim Reaper only reaps those of the unsaved, the unbelievers. The Grim Reaper has no power over the saved even when the saved die. But Death does have power to reap the unsaved when they die and there will be a lot of death in the last 7 years of Tribulation and God’s wrath period. So as the unsaved die, the Grim Reaper is there to lead their soul straight to Hell.

I think the fourth horse is more metaphorical of the fact that all the millions of unsaved that die go straight to hell. Or maybe there really is a Grim Reaper. And of course you’ll note that Death and Hell have been given power to reap a fourth part of mankind. These are the unsaved dying during the Tribulation. That is a lot of unsaved going to Hell!


Since the Tribulation (7 seals), the rapture, and God’s wrath (7 trumpets and vials) are both covered and described (with differing details) in each half of Revelation, I theorize the introduction of the 3 main evil characters of Chapters 12 and 13 (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet) point us to the identity of the Four Horses of the Apocalypses in Chapter 6. God does not make it easy, or we wouldn’t be studying and praying for wisdom by reading his wonderful words.

God bless!

Elliott Wave Update ~ 20 August 2021


Expected jab official approval for the Pfizer clot shot coming Monday?

A person familiar with the plan told CNN the decision is expected early next week, and a Biden administration official said approval of the two-dose vaccine, which has been distributed under emergency use authorization from the FDA, “could be as early as Monday.”

The New York Times reported that the FDA was pushing to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on Monday, according to people familiar with the agency’s planning.


This is an inspiring, awesome video (embedded below) and it needs to go VIRAL. Great job by Death Angel on Bitchute. We are not alone in what we are feeling. We are really the majority. When you realize that, the Emperor has no clothes.


I may be resigned that Jesus is coming and HE will ultimately straighten things out, yet we must fight nonetheless with words that speak TRUTH, for truth is POWER. We have that truth that these “jabs” cause blood clotting and not just in “rare” instances. The clots are the primary effect of injected graphene oxide. We MUST push back at every opportunity to anyone that ever suggests we are doing “wrong” by not getting the shot. We must make a MOCKERY of the jabbed at this point.

Mock and get in the jabbed’s face any chance you get. Use the term “CLOT SHOT” as a means of disparaging them. As a means of mockery, as a means of making them realize it is THEY who are fools. Make THEM doubt. For this has been a non-stop psychological war against the “unvaccinated” for far too long now. We must let them know in simple terms that they have poisoned themselves when they look on us in disdain. PUSH BACK and make a MOCKERY of them that submit fealty to the overlords which wish to subjugate us.

You can say such things as:

Hey, ready for CLOT SHOT number 3? Let me know how it works out for you?

Hey how’s that “I don’t have to wear a mask if I am “vaccinated” thing going?” They lied to you yes?”

I am sure you get my meaning. We must mock and shame those that deserve shaming to win this psychological war. If you do not speak up now, the odds of the unvaccinated getting hauled off to FEMA camps within 12 months increases every week…


Obama and Valerie are still running the country by the way….

They gave the Taliban $5B in cash and the “Taliban 5” for a traitor. This was no accident.

  1. The Taliban 5 Commanders are all involved with the current Taliban takeover.
  2. The cash was used to pay off the Afghan national army key commanders to defect for quick collapse of the country.
  3. The early closing of BAGRAM AB is so we will be hamstrung militarily to react.
  4. The hasty pullout is ON PURPOSE to create a humanitarian chaos.
  5. The enormous amount of hi tech military gear purposely left there was a backdoor arming of the Taliban and any further terrorist groups.
  6. The abandoning of the US embassy was to leave intelligence papers (LISTS OF NAMES) for the Taliban. They have ALL the Afghan names that helped Americans.
  7. The humanitarian “crisis” will lead to the unchecked immigration of hundreds of thousands of Afghans into the U.S. and Europe.
  8. How many hideaway terrorists are being airlifted to our country?

It was not “stupid’. One can only conclude the plan worked as they wanted. When will we figure out that people like Obama and the communist CIA shadow director John Brennan are at war with America as we loved it and will transform us into the New World Order?

I digress…

This guy surely has the Holy Spirit in him speaking boldly against the tyranny that they wish to impose on us. There is much push back building, you can feel social mood turning from fear to outright anger. These are both negative moods. The globalists will ultimate fail in their vaccine push, at least in the regard that they implement it without nary a fight. Yes, they will have inoculated billions but in that regard, humanity will not go silently into the night. The vaccine hasn’t even been officially approved by the damned FDA, but when it does, which is likely soon, the mandates will roll out like a long carpet unto a throne. And the corporate whor*s will do the King’s bidding. And when people start to get locked out of society because they refuse to bend the knee, you will know what it is like to face mankind’s fury.

For when a man has nothing left to lose, there is nothing left to fear. The globalist’s should beware, but they will surely not. We are headed to hell on earth and it was not the choosing of the righteous, but it was of the choosing of the already damned.

Just watch this dumb evil globalist witch CDC director Walensky, a member of the chief Antichrist religion of Judaism, reading her lines and not realizing what she is actually saying. She said:

“Reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early.”

Alarm bells anyone?? So what is the new CIA-run narrative supposed to be now? Is this a mixed message, a transition to a new narrative? Are any of you “vaxxed” getting this yet? As time goes on are you in danger? What is this supposed to mean? Boosters are required or else you might die? Vaccine is waning and you must get a new shot or you might be damned? Or should you not get the vaccine at all? Just what is she reading on her teleprompter? Because it sure is idiotic, and if you are one who ever believed in any of this, I just have to shake my head in disbelief that so many people swallow the lies whole.


That’s what it boils down to.

Anyone who gets the clot shot is a FOOL. For it is no longer correct to say, “they know not what they do”. You have been warned. You are of the Cult of Covid if you get this shot from here after, and as far as I am concerned, may you have good luck with your booster.


The SPX has a huge open gap from peak and teh algorithms are gunning for it. This is not a human-run market, but in the end, the algorithms will result in the destruction of the market.

I have always wondered if the market would top on ultimate “vaccine official approval” (Pfizer) as the approval will spawn a flood of mandatory, massively deflationary, mandates that will doom the modern world economic system as we know it. The market knows this, senses it, and is just pimping the last greed out of the system as long as it can get away with it. The insiders likely have knowledge of when the vaccine approval date is and hence we have our bounce today. Yet 5 waves down on the Wilshire suggests that this rebound is merely a last greedy spike wave (ii). We await next week, the vaccine approval clock countdown has begun.

Elliott Wave Update ~ 19 August 2021


Looking at the Wilshire from an “up-down” counting manner, we have 5 waves from peak which is more of an indication that we are impulsing down rather than correcting in 3 waves down. If one views the S&P500, it is a mess in that regard since it had a significant high contrary to where the Wilshire’s high was. This is one reason I use the Wilshire 5000 – the total market – for wave counting and such. The Wilshire 5000 is the “King James Bible” to the S&P 500’s corrupted “Bible flavor of the week”.

Just thought I’d throw that in there!

So we have lots of squiggle options, we need to see how things shake out over the next few days. However, I favor a bearish outcome regardless and possibly a very bearish crash perhaps. The wave count is “ripe” for such an event.

So I made this messy chart showing the overall thoughts of how things might go.

The overall “wedge” overlapping ending diagonal triangle count, in theory, is supposed to collapse quickly in prices. So far we have a good “stair step” start which may be setting up for a very large downside move.

In other words when you think they have been “buying the dips” over the last few days, it may be actually “selling the rips”. The way it stair steps down so far gives credence to that thought.

Elliott Wave Update ~ 18 August 2021


The globalists have gone “all in”. They have launched their final campaign (medical tyranny and control) to subjugate all the world and the campaign has been in full swing for quite some time now. The only people they really worry about are the armed, white, western, middle-class male. This is of course why they launched the “war on men” and “critical race theory” against whites, particularly white males. Everything is designed to make this most dangerous class a “subhuman”, to turn the rest of the masses against them. To eventually have a critical mass support the internment of the targeted as “terrorists”.

In reality, when one studies how totalitarian societies actually come to power, it boils down to the old 33/33/33 rule. (Yes, there is that number 33 again huh?). It works like this; it takes a committed 33% of the population to terrorize the 33% who resist. They know the other 33% will do nothing but go along with the winner. The 33% that does the terrorizing is of course the evil, godless contingent. They are the ones willing to commit mass atrocities as a means to an end. This is why evil so often reigns throughout the world at many moments in man’s history. In fact, a “righteous” nation is more a rarity. God has blessed nations throughout human history but when they inevitably turn evil, he gives his blessing to another nation. There are clearly none righteous remaining.

The first steps of the totalitarians is to capture “democratic” institutions at key levels and ensure that any institution that is not captured by the outright fanatics has only the passive 33% as caretakers. That is where we stand in the world today. Every nation, every level of governmental institution, every school or university, every corporation, medical institution, politician, military, are captured by evil people. The ones that are not evil are unable and unwilling to fight back in any way. This also explains why the “war on cops” is a key component. The American system of local police – having the policeman your neighbor and thus ultimately an ally of the middle class – must be brought to its knees. The campaign has been highly successful. They don’t want to abolish the police of course, they merely want to purge any and all good cops and take it over with cops who are compliant (or often part of the evil cabal themselves).

I could explain dozens of other ways the bureaucracy has enacted “rules” to further this war on the white, armed, middle class (often Christian) male, but you get the idea. I don’t mean to disparage the other races who are fighting for good, who may be black or Hispanic middle class, and certainly armed, don’t worry, you are next in line for targeting by the evildoers. It just so happens the white armed middle class male is the current primary target for that is the current majority. And I am talking really mostly about America here but you can apply these principles to any nation. The totalitarians always target the most dangerous bloc that are capable of mass resistance. And in America that is the white middle-class male.

This war has been going on since the 1960’s roughly and it has finally bore fruit. The march through the institutions is finally complete. And thus the globalist’s launched the plandemic and there is no turning back. And the technology is in place – almost that is – as they still need to finish building out the worldwide 5G system. That is about where we stand. If you are part of the 33% resistance and going against this terror campaign, good on you! If you are the 33% who are just going along to get along, well you need to worry about your soul. Please get saved to Jesus! If you are part of the reprobate 33% evil, you will lose at Jesus’s second coming and there will be gnashing of teeth. An eternal hell awaits it is called the Lake of Fire and it is in the outer darkness.

And those who are incapable of believing a conspiracy so grand that you refute it, all I can say is that is what they are counting on. For the conspiracy is actually a very small circle of individuals. When the Bolsheviks took over Russia, the leaders were a very small band of individuals. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, others. The evil 33% were just naturally doing what they wanted to always do anyway – be evil. The godless foot soldiers willing to carry out the executions in the name of the cause for power’s sake. Mao-Tse Tung also had a small inner circle of conspirators. And again, their purpose was to move the masses in a direction against the holdouts, the 33% who resisted. And we can look to Hitler’s inner circle. Who in Germany in 1932, whereas Hitler had only 32% of the vote, saw what was coming by 1934? Or by 1938? Yes there was some who called the alarm, but they were snuffed out. How about the useful idiots university students the Iranians used in 1979 to topple Iran? Who do you think wound up shot against the wall once power was complete? Did the students see that coming? Of course not! Need I bring up Cuba? Or Venezuela? Are you blind?

Can you not see that the goal is totalitarianism, American style? And they will use any means to get that goal?

Today’s politicians are either outright evil – which is most of the Democratic party, or outright pacified (which makes them partners with evil) such as the Republicans. We have no one left to fight for the common man and woman of this world. For it is the unaccountable globalist’s and banksters who really call the shots in the world. Does Nancy Pelosi know the jabs are loaded with graphene oxide? I seriously doubt it! At this point who cares because she certainly doesn’t! She and Chuckie desires power for power’s sake and they don’t give a damn how many die to get it. And they see the vaccine as a means to an end. A way to exert power. You can see how last year played out. For instance the Surgeon General who insisted masks were a waste of time in March 2020, once the counter order was given – and the power hungry politicians realized they cannot pass up an opportunity to demand ritual fealty – they will insist masks today, masks tomorrow, masks forever.

This whole conversation is exhausting. If you are going along to get along, you will have a part in the New World Order. You will be allowed to exist for a while as long as you obey until the next globalist edict comes along. Sooner or later you will realize it is too late. Sooner or later, you will realize they were serious about mandatory booster shots to be able to participate in society and you lost your chance to speak out when it could have made a difference. And unfortunately that is half of sleeping America. If you are cheering on the evil, you are likely a reprobate and vengeance is reserved for God alone. But again, I always have to remember God is in control, he is the Alpha and Omega, he has seen the end and the beginning. I need only trust in Jesus. His return will be oh so glorious!

What can one do? We have lost the war, for war is being waged and the globalists will win. Well, actually they are of man and men are stupid. There will be worldwide chaos, wars, famine, pestilences, and lots of deaths coming in the next 3 years. And only the coming Antichrist will be able to establish a (temporary) peace, and unite the many false religions of the world. These are the beginning of sorrows and we best use what energies we have for the things we can affect. Do not put your trust in politicians. I am not saying don’t vote, but hope only lies in Jesus at this point. Steer your energies accordingly like I have. You’ll notice I don’t bother with political commentary or such events as Afghanistan. There are dedicated talking heads for that.

I liked this tweet though which sums up what our attitudes should be:

My interest is aligning the end times events with stock market moves. So yes, it is a unique blog position I have staked out I suppose, but that was not my intent. Additionally I wish to get myself right with Jesus and helping others to see and do the same. The only battles to be won are the small local victories and fight like hell against the raw evil that is swarming the earth. A fighting retreat. An effective, righteous, rearguard action. Something demented Joe was unable to do properly in Afghanistan.

All efforts must be made against these evildoings as that will reap the most benefit. For if all your spare time is spent playing Call of Duty, you are not part of the fight. If you are part of the fight the best thing you can do is trust Jesus, win souls to Christ. And don’t play their game, don’t support their businesses and don’t comply with their unconstitutional mandates. Pull your kids out of school if you have to. Then the schools will collapse wouldn’t they? Refuse the shots! Refuse vaccine passports! Refuse masks and yes, get in their faces and make them feel uncomfortable. Let it be known you are not playing their game. Let it be known they are doing evil.


Things are on the move. A bit of a bearish finish today and a break under the previous day’s low. Again, I don’t have an alternate count that projects higher highs than what we have had. If we get there, or something develops, I will plot one out.

But this blog has been harping on Fibonacci sequence #24 of 46,368 for many weeks and the recent 3 all-time consecutive highs of 46,366, 46,378 and 46,360 average exactly 46,368. It almost seems divinely inspired so I won’t question it. Again God is in charge.

For now, the chart below is labeled as a truncated high v of (c) because the SPX made a significant high at that spot.

And the CPCE STILL printed a very low .52. The market is primed and ready to panic if that is God’s will.

The VIX seems primed for a big move up also.

August 2021 – Daneric's Elliott Waves (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.