How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (2024)

The Ultimate Guide

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (1)
Want to learn how to fly a drone?Then you came to the right place.

We made this guide to flying a drone to help you prepare for your first flight—and to help you go beyond that, and start learning how to fly.

It also has information to help you stay safe while flying a drone, tips on getting airborne, and both basic and advanced drone flying techniques.

Quick notes:

  • Need a drone? Here’s our list of the top drones on the market.
  • Want to get your FAA drone license? We offer the top Part 107 test prep course on the market. Called Drone Pilot Ground School, it’s been used by over 60,000 drone pilots to prepare for the test, with a pass rate of over 99%. Learn more here.

How to Fly a Drone—What You’ll Learn in This Guide

Want to work on specific skills? Use the menu below to jump around, or read straight through if you’d like to learn everything we cover.

  • Drone Controls—Learning the Basics for Flying a Drone
  • The Pre-Flight Checklist
  • How to Get Your DroneOff the Ground
  • How to Hover in Mid-Air and Land Your Drone
  • How to Fly a Drone Left/Right and Forward/Backward
  • How to Fly a Drone in a Square
  • How to Fly a Drone in a Circle
  • How to Fly a Drone Using Yaw to Rotate it
  • How to Fly a Drone Continuously
  • Different Milestones to Hit
  • Advanced Drone Flying Techniques + NIST Bucket Stand Practice
  • Next Steps

Interested in becoming a commercial drone pilot? Learn more about the FAA’s Part 107 certification process here.

Getting Started

Watch this video for a quick, 3-minute overview of what to do when flying a drone for the first time:

And watch this video for a quick look at our top recommended exercises for learning how to fly a drone:


Drone Controls—Learning the Basics for Flying a Drone

Just getting started with learning how to fly a drone?

Don’t worry. Eventually, the controls will become second nature and you won’t even think about how to move them. You’ll just be flying.

But to get there, you need to practice. A lot.

The first thing to say is that, when you first start out, push the sticks very gently so the drone performs slight movements. As you get more comfortable, you can make sharper movements.

(Note: For simplicity’s sake, this article assumes that the left stick controls yaw and throttle, andthe right stick controls roll and pitch. Some transmitters allow the pilot to switch these controls based on what’s most comfortable.)

The Four Main Drone Controls

  • Roll. Done by pushing the right stick to the left or right. Literally rolls the drone, which maneuvers the drone left or right.
  • Pitch. Done by pushing the right stick forwards or backward. Tilts the drone, which maneuvers the drone forwards or backward.
  • Yaw. Done by pushing the left stick to the left or to the right. Rotates the drone left or right. Points the front of the copter in different directions and helps with changing directions while flying.
  • Throttle. To increase, push the left stick forwards. To decrease, pull the left stick backward. This adjusts the altitude, or height, of the drone.

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (2)

Let’s go through each of them.

Drone Control—Roll (Right Stick)

Roll moves your drone left or right. It’s done by pushing the right stick on your controller to the left or to the right.

It’s called “roll” because it literally rolls the drone.

For example, as you push the right stick to the left, the drone will roll to the right.

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (3)

When you push the right stick to the right, the drone will roll to the left.

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (4)

Drone Control—Pitch (Right Stick)

Pitch is done by pushing the right stick on your controller forwards or backward. This will tilt the drone, resulting in forwards or backward movement.

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (5)

When the right stick is pushed forward, the back of the drone will pitch up causing the air to push the drone forward.

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (6)

If the right stick is pulled backward, the front of the drone will pitch up causing the air to push the drone backward.

Drone Control—Yaw (Left Stick)

Yaw was a little bit confusing for me in the beginning. Essentially, it rotates the drone clockwise or counterclockwise.

This is done by pushing the left stick to the left or to the right—watch from 1:59 to 2:44 in the video below for an example, making sure to pay attention to how he adjusts the sticks.

Yaw is typically used at the same time as throttle during continuous flight. This allows the pilot to make circles and patterns. It also allows videographers and photographers to follow objects that might be changing directions.

Drone Control—Throttle (Left Stick)

Throttle gives the propellers on your drone enough power to get airborne. When flying, you will have the throttle engaged constantly.

To engage the throttle, push the left stick forward. To disengage, pull it backwards.

Make sure not to disengage completely until you’re a couple of inches away from the ground. Otherwise, you might damage the drone, and your training will be cut short.

Important Note:

When the drone is facing ‘away from you’, camera pointed away from you, the controls are intuitive and:

  • Pushing the right stick to the ‘right’ rolls the drone right and pushing the stick to the ‘left’ rolls the drone to the left.
  • Pushing the right stick ‘forward’ moves the drone away from you and pulling the stick ‘backward’ causes the drone to move toward you.

But when the drone’s camera is facing you, the controls are inverted and the drone will move in the opposite direction based on the stick input.

  • If you move the right stick to the right the drone will move left and if you push the stick to the left the drone will move right.

So pay close attention to the way the drone is oriented toward you when you start providing stick input.


Drone Pre-Flight Checklist

Going through a checklist before you fly can keep you and your drone safe.

Here are all the drone pre-flight checklists you need to keep you and your drone safe—use the menu to jump to each list.

  1. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Weather and Site Safety Check
  2. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Airspace Research
  3. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Batteries, Updates, and Connectivity
  4. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Powering Up
  5. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Taking Off

Feeling intimidated by all these lists?

Don’t worry! It’s not actually as complicated as it seems.

We just wanted to put all of these things in one place in a single drone pre-flight checklist so you could have the peace of mind that you’ve thought of everything before you fly.

Here are your pre-flight checklists:

1. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Weather and Site Safety Check

  • Chance of precipitation less than 10%
  • Wind speed under 15 knots (less than 20 mph)
  • Cloud base at least 500 feet
  • Visibility at least 3 statute miles (SM)
  • If flying at dawn / dusk, double-check civil twilight hours
  • Establish take-off, landing, and emergency hover zones
  • Potential for electromagnetic interference?
  • Look for towers, wires, buildings, trees, or other obstructions
  • Look for pedestrians and/or animals and set up safety perimeter if needed
  • Discuss flight mission with other crew members if present

2. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Airspace Research

  • Conduct Airspace Classification Review
  • Check for NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen) and TFRs (Temporary Flight Restrictions)
  • Secure Airspace Authorization (if required)
  • If airspace authorization is required, make sure you’re ready to use LAANC to get instant approval
  • If LAANC isn’t available, make sure you get approval via the FAA DroneZone in advance so you can be sure to fly the day of your mission

3. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Batteries, Updates, and Connectivity

  • Make sure drone batteries and remote control batteries are fully charged
  • Pack extra batteries as needed
  • Make sure you’re drone and remote control have latest firmware update installed
  • Check your SD card(s) to make sure you have enough memory for the mission (if relevant)
  • Make sure you have a USB Cable for your mobile phone or tablet
  • Make sure you’ll have connectivity in the field (use a site like OpenSignal to review coverage for the location where you plan to fly)

4. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Visual Aircraft & System Inspection

  • Registration number is displayed properly and is legible
  • Look for abnormalities—aircraft frame, propellers, motors, undercarriage
  • Look for abnormalities—gimbal, camera, transmitter, payloads, etc.
  • Gimbal clamp and lens caps are removed
  • Clean lens with microfiber cloth
  • Attach propellers, battery/fuel source, and insert SD card / lens filters

5. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Powering Up

  • Turn on the remote control and open up DJI Go 4 app
  • Turn on aircraft
  • Verify established connection between transmitter and aircraft
  • Position antennas on transmitter toward the sky
  • Verify display panel / FPV screen is functioning properly
  • Calibrate Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) as needed
  • Calibrate compass before every flight
  • Verify battery / fuel levels on both transmitter and aircraft
  • Verify that the UAS has acquired GPS location from at least six satellites

6. Drone Pre-Flight Checklist: Taking Off

  • Take-off to eye-level altitude for about 10-15 seconds
  • Look for any imbalances or irregularities
  • Listen for abnormal sounds
  • Pitch, roll, and yaw to test control response and sensitivity
  • Check for electromagnetic interference or other software warnings
  • Do one final check to secure safety of flight operations area
  • Proceed with flight mission


Getting Your Drone Off the Ground

OK, now that we’ve covered all the preliminary information we can get into how to actually fly.

But before we get started, let’s cover a few important safety protocols and recommendations.

Safety Tips for Learning How to Fly a Drone

First’ it’s important to note that drones aren’t toys and can be dangerous. Let’s lay out some initial safety precautions to ensure a safe flight:

  • If you’re about to crash into something, turn the throttle down to zero, so you don’t potentially destroy your drone, injure somebody, or injure yourself.
  • Take out the battery of the drone before doing any work on it. If it turns on accidentally and the propellers start spinning, you might have a tough time doing future flights with missing fingers.
  • Keep your fingers away from the propellers when they’re moving.
  • If you’re a beginner learning to fly indoors, tie the drone down or surround it with a cage.

Choosing a safe and legal flight location is also crucial for a safe operation. Here are some tips on finding the perfect spot:

  • We suggest starting out in a large, open space, such as a park or a field. Many people prefer to learn on grassy ground, so if the drone needs to make a crash landing, it will at least have some sort of cushion.
  • Stay away from people or animals.
  • Avoid windy conditions as a beginner and be aware of your drone’s performance limitations (refer to user manual).
  • Lastly, choose a legal, safe, and visually interesting location to fly your drone. After a round of comprehensive research, our team compiled a list of where to fly a drone in various cities across the country.

Alright! Now that you understand the controls and you’ve taken all of the right safety precautions, you’re ready to fly.

  • To get your drone in the air, the only control you need is the throttle.
  • Push the throttle (left stick) up very slowly, just to get the propellers going. Then stop.
  • Repeat this multiple times and until you’re comfortable with the throttle’s sensitivity.
  • Slowly push the throttle further than before, until the copter lifts off the ground. Then pull the throttle back down to zero and let the drone land.

Congrats! You know how to get your drone airborne.

Now, let’s learn how to hover in mid-air.


Hovering in Midair and Landing Your Drone

Raising your drone off the ground to a hover and then bringing it back down is an essential skill, and the first one we’re going to highlight in this guide.

Here are the steps for hovering in midair and then landing:

  • To hover, you will use the throttle to get airborne. You will then use small adjustments of the right stick to keep the drone hovering in place.
  • You may also need to adjust the left stick (yaw) slightly, to keep it from turning.
  • Use the throttle to get the drone about a foot to a foot-and-a-half off the ground.
  • Make tiny adjustments with the right stick (and the left, if necessary) to keep the drone hovering in position.
  • When you’re ready to land, cut back the throttle slowly.
  • When the drone is an inch or two off the ground, go ahead and cut the throttle completely and let the UAV drop to the ground.
  • Repeat this until you get comfortable hovering off the ground and landing gently.

Start our Drone Training Exercises video at 1:25 for more on hovering:


How to Fly a Drone Left/Right and Forward/Backward

To fly a drone left, right, forwards, and backwards, you will need to hold the throttle at a steady rate to keep it airborne. You will then use the right stick to maneuver the drone in the direction you want it to go.

Here are the steps for flying left/right and forward/back:

  • First, bring your drone to a hover.
  • Push the right stick forward to fly it a couple of feet forward.
  • Pull the right stick back to bring it back to its original position.
  • Now, move it further backwards a couple of feet, and return it to its original position.
  • Push the right stick to the left to move your copter a couple of feet to the left.
  • Move it back to its original position, then fly it a couple of feet to the right.
  • If it starts to rotate (yaw), adjust the left stick to the left or right to keep the drone facing the same direction.

Pro tip: When you move in either direction, you will probably notice the drone dropping in altitude. To keep the drone at the same altitude, push the throttle and give it more power whenever you turn or move.


How to Fly a Drone in a Square

You’ve gotten off the ground, and you know how to fly a drone in the four basic directions.

Now, it’s time to combine these skills and start flying in patterns. This will help you get a feel forsimultaneously engaging the controls.

Here are the seps for flying in a square:

  • To fly in a square pattern, keep the drone facing away from you the entire time.
  • Push the right stick forward (pitch) and fly forward a couple of feet. Then, return the right stick to the middle and hover in place.
  • Then push the right stick to the right (roll) and fly to the right a couple of feet. Then, hover in place for a few seconds.
  • Pull the right stick backwards and fly backwards a couple of feet. Then, hover in place for a few seconds, and push the right stick to the left and return the drone to its original position.

You’ve just flown in a square! Keep doing this until you get comfortable with it, and then move on to our next pattern—flying in a circle.

Start our Drone Training Exercises video at 3:27 for more on flying in a square:


How to Fly a Drone in a Circle

This is where you will hone your simultaneous control skills.

To fly a drone in a circle, you will use pitch, roll, and throttle at the same time.

Here are the steps for flying in a circle:

  • As usual, use the throttle to get airborne. Then, decide whether you want to fly clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • For this example, we’ll assume you’re flying clockwise (to the right).
  • Keep the drone facing away from you, and push the right stick diagonally up and to the right. This will engage both pitch and roll at the same time, and start flying the drone in a circle to the right.
  • After a couple of feet, start rotating the right stick more to the right, so you engage more roll. This will start maneuvering your drone to the right.
  • After a few more feet, start rotating the right stick diagonally to the bottom right, and continue to circle the right stick around until the drone returns to its original position.
  • Try changing directions, and slowly rotating the right stick to fly in a circle. If you notice the drone starting to rotate and face different directions, adjust the drone’s yaw by pushing the left stick to the left or right.

Start our Drone Training Exercises video at 3:58 for more on flying in a square:


How to Fly a Drone Using Yaw to Rotate It

Above, we practice flying in a square and circle with no yaw.

Now that you’ve gotten both of those exercises under your belt we’re going to incorporate yaw into your practice.

Here are the steps for flying so you rotate using yaw:

  • To rotate your drone, use the throttle to get airborne.
  • Once at a comfortable hover, push the left stick in either direction. This will rotate the drone in place.
  • Rotate it 360 degrees. Then push the left stick in the opposite direction and rotate it 360 degrees the other way.
  • Keep doing this until you’re comfortable with it.

Start our Drone Training Exercises video at 5:48 for more on using yaw when you fly:


How to Fly a Drone Continuously

Flying a drone continuously requires you to rotate and change directions simultaneously.

This will take some getting used to, because the drone will be facing different angles in relation to how you’re facing, so you will need to pay close attention to how each movement of the sticks will affect the drone’s flight.

Here are the steps for flying continuously:

  • First, take off and hover.
  • Rotate (yaw) your drone to a slight angle.
  • Use the right stick to fly it left/right and forwards/backwards. Get comfortable flying the drone while it faces a different direction.
  • Rotate it to another angle, and use the right stick to maneuver it again.
  • Keep doing this until you’re comfortable flying at different angles.
  • To fly continuously, slowly push the right stick forward.
  • As you’re pushing the right stick forward, push the right stick slightly to the left or to the right at the same time.
  • Fly in different directions by pushing the right stick forward (pitch) and adjusting it left and right, and using the left stick (yaw) to change the direction the drone is facing.
  • Then, try adjusting the drone’s height by moving the left stick forward and backward (throttle).

Congrats! Now you know how to fly a drone with continuous movement.

Keep practicing until you can direct your drone at will. Then, move on to the next section, where we’ll discuss different milestones for you to shoot for.


Different Milestones to Hit

Use these milestones to keep you organized during the learning process.

They will help you gauge where you’re at and what you should be going for next.

  • Learn how the four main drone controls – roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle – affect a drone’s movement.
  • Understand the parts of your drone and what each of them does.
  • Prepare a pre-flight checklist and go through it before each take-off (See Chapter 3).
  • Understand the safety precautions.
  • Use the throttle to get airborne, and make any necessary settings adjustments.
  • Get comfortable hovering in mid-air and gently landing your drone.
  • Take off to an altitude of 3 feet and land in the same position.
  • Take off to an altitude of 3 feet and spin the UAV around 180 degrees.
  • Get comfortable flying your drone left/right and forwards/backwards.
  • Learn how to fly a drone in a square pattern.
  • Learn how to fly a drone in a circle.
  • Learn how to rotate (yaw) a drone.
  • Learn how to fly a drone continuously.
  • Do all of the above, but at an altitude of 25 feet.
  • Pick two targets on the ground, and repeatedly land, fly, and land on each one.

We’ve listed 15 exercises you can use in our Drone Training Exercises video.

You can use the full list (found in the description of the video on YouTube) as a guideline for different milestones to try and hit in your flying, along with small tutorials on how to do each one.


Advanced Drone Flying Techniques + NIST Bucket Stand Practice

Here are some advanced flying techniques for you to master:

  • Fly in a “figure 8” pattern. This will require you to fly the drone with the front-facing forwards the entire time.
  • Bank turns (A consistent circular turn in either the clockwiseor counterclockwisedirection.) Keep a little forward pitch for forward movement. Apply throttle, and roll the drone in the direction of the turn (left or right).

Another way you can get better at flying is by using NIST bucket stands.

Here’s a 3-part series we made to show you how it’s done:

1. How to Build NIST Bucket Stands—Improve Your Drone Pilot Skill!

2. How to Use NIST Bucket Stands

3. How to Master NIST Bucket Stands

Nice work! You’ve finished our How to Fly a Drone training guide! We hope it gets you on your way to flying a drone like a pro.

So, where should you go from here?

Here are some resources to help you continue your drone journey:

  • Get hands-on, in-person flight training with a UAV Coach instructor. Learn more here.
  • Get guidance for buying a drone in our drone buying guide. Also, check out this YouTube video for some of the top drone brands out there.
  • Want to learn more about becoming a professional drone pilot? Check out our guide to FAA drone certification.
  • Need help getting ready for the FAA’s drone certification test (also called the Part 107 test)? Check out our online test prep course Drone Pilot Ground School, to help you get ready.
  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with the latest UAV news, training, and information.
  • On Instagram? Make sure to tag us for a chance to be featured on our page!

Blue skies and safe flying out there!

How to Fly a Drone: A Beginner's Guide to Multirotor Systems (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.